Ref Scheduler Web Version

Recent Enhancements

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Version 6.51d release:
  1. Added Hide Ref Grid Columns.
  2. Added Ref (etc.) unused Fields.
  3. Added Active and Birthdate to Personal Ref page.
  4. Added Notified Date.
  5. Added Preference Option 'Allow ADs to see Refs Addresses'.
  6. Added General Sites flag for Sites.
  7. Altered hilighting background of cell for Conf/Unconf/Turnback".
Version 6.49b release:
  1. Added Preferences option "Allow Non-Assigner Users to View the 'Lists' menu".
  2. Added Preferences option "Allow Non-Assigner Users to View Ref Selector in RefAddEdit".
  3. Added Preferences option "Allow Non-Assigner Users to View Other Ref's Addresses".
  4. Added MaxTravDist, MaxTravTime.
  5. Added option to change Chapter Code.
  6. Added GameType field.
  7. Added Text under {Subject}AddEdit to state how many in subject item (Teams, Games,...).
  8. Added Video/Urls.
  9. Added Backup, Restore.
  10. Added LimitToLeague in TeamAddEdit.
  11. Added DistTime for All Refs DropDowns in GameAddEdit.
  12. Added Custom Ref Role Titles.
  13. Added Time Ranges: Next 7 Days, Next 30 Days.
  14. Added Leagues to Lists.
  15. Added Preferences 'Ref Blocks of Orgs apply to Home games only'.
  16. Added 'Remove Blocked Refs' to GameAddEdit and AssAddEdit.
  17. Altered Limit To League/Org in GameAddEdit.
  18. Altered Hometeam, Visitors 'None' to 'TBD'.
  19. Altered Grid Cell contents to be Left or Center aligned optionally.
  20. Altered Game Text Heading.
  21. Altered Helpfiles.
Version 6.45e release:
  1. Added display Pay to RN_RefSchedule
  2. Added NickName to Team Selectors in RN_AllList, RN_EmailRefTeamSched, RN_RefList
  3. Added option to change Chapter Code in Preferences.
  4. Altered Text Import of {Subjects}.text.
  5. Altered Exports.
  6. Altered Backups at website.
  7. Altered location of Buttons on RN_{Subject}AddEdit page.
  8. Altered TextHeading and Visible controls on RN_{Subject}AddEdit Game and Assignment pages.
  9. Altered Team Titles when only one Organization or one League defined in Teams.
  10. Altered Columns in Grid displays to only show Refs for MaxNumber of Refs in set.
  11. Altered UnAvailable Days to Compress.
  12. Altered Games to Allow Unselected Teams.
  13. Altered Selectors in RN_RefSchedule, RN_RefCalendar, RN_AllList to Allow Unselected Teams.
  14. Altered display of Ref Priviledges.
Version 6.34 release:
  1. Altered RefInfo, RefAvail, RefBlock pages and menus for Standard Refs.
  2. Altered Email class by consolidating.
Version 6.32a release:
  1. Added Schedule Date Ranges.
  2. Added Update Dist, Time for change in Ref, HomeTeam, or Site.
  3. Added Backup and Restore to Import Menu.
  4. Added User Image in top right.
  5. Added User Image Rotate Right for Ref and Player.
  6. Added DayOfWeek Option.
  7. Added Ref Unassign from Games on Turnback Option.
  8. Added Add GameTime to Ref's UnAvailable Date/Time if Auto Unassign On Return is on.
  9. Added Email Refs with Unconfirmed Assignments function in AllList Assignments View.
  10. Added MultiLine Grid Option
  11. Altered Menu Bar.
  12. Altered Calendar Schedule.
  13. Altered Showless.
  14. Altered GameChange Emails for Removed, Added Refs or Game Change.
  15. Altered UnAvailable Days.
  16. Altered Ref, Site, Team GameTime Conflict to check against GameLength-1
  17. Altered Ref List on RN_GameAddEdit
  18. Altered RN_GameAddEdit
  19. Corrected Ref Earliest Time Available.
Version 6.27a release:
  1. Added 'Allow Coaches and AD Logins' in Preferences.
  2. Added 'Allow Coaches to View Refs Info' in Preferences.
  3. Added 'Allow Refs to View Teams Info' in Preferences.
  4. Added Login to accept Firstname Lastname also.
  5. Added DistTime check for change of Ref, Site, Org. Address.
  6. Added Rotate to Ref & Player Image.
  7. Altered Spectator View.
  8. Altered Message and Question at top of pages.
  9. Altered Stacked and Indexed Help.
  10. Altered Team Name to remove Org. if only one Org..
  11. Altered shorter game titles for mobile device or when ShowLess is checked.
  12. Altered button appearances.
Version 6.15b release:
  1. Added Leagues as a Subject Type.
  2. Added Grid Colors option.
  3. Altered 'Delete Selected and UnAssigned' button.
  4. Altered Team Type to League.
  5. Altered organization of 'Preferences' options.
Version 6.0 release:
  1. Added more Responsive Design features for mobile use.
Version 5.97 release:
  1. Added Blocks & Preferences Option: 'Blocked', 'Preferred', 'Not Preferred' Ref selections for: Other Refs, Organizations, Teams, and/or Sites.
  2. Added Block Option for Organizations to Block Refs.
Version 5.92 release:
  1. Added Enable/Disable Turnbacks/Confirm by Refs in Preferences.
  2. Altered Ref Schedule checkbox locations.
  3. Altered Login, Ref Schedule, Calendar presentation on phones.
  4. Altered Request DB menu titling.
Version 5.69 release:
  1. Altered Ref Schedule and Calendar Selectors.
Version 5.68 release:
  1. Added to Preferences - Selected DateFormat.
  2. Added HomeTeamSite as default gamesite.
  3. Added 'Class' to select Refs'.
  4. Added SMS Texting.
  5. Altered UnAvailable Days selection.
  6. Altered Ref Schedule and Calendar Titling.
  7. Altered GameAddEdit and AssAddEdit Heading titles.
Version 5.57 rerelease:
  1. Added 'View' to Main Menu.
  2. Added 'Delete UnAvailable Days' to 'Date Functions'.
  3. Added All List Assignment Function 'Change Displayed Assignments to Paid'.
  4. Added All List Assignment Function 'Change Displayed Assignments to Not Paid'.
  5. Added All List Date Selection for Assignments and Games: 'On or Before'.
  6. Altered Main Menu Display.
  7. Altered Unconfirmed Schedule Games to display in LightGoldenRodYellow.
  8. Altered GameAddEdit, AssAddEdit Heading.
  9. Altered Assignment Function 'Show Assignments Not Paid' to display amount.
  10. Altered Notify Refs of Essential Game change.
  11. Altered Game DateTime change.
Version 5.5 release:
  1. Added Players
  2. Added Spectator - View Schedule
  3. Added 'Available Refs Only' to Preferences
  4. Altered Imports
  5. Altered Login
  6. Altered RefGameEmail email preview
  7. Altered Help
Version 5.4 release:
  1. Added First/Previous/Next/Last arrows to RN_SubjAddEdit, RN_RefSchedule and RN_Calender
  2. Added Mail, Mail All, to RN_RefSchedule and RN_Calender.
  3. Added email address to Ref 'Username' Login.
  4. Added Tabs.
  5. Altered Save/Delete/Help in RN_SubjAddEdit.
  6. Corrected AllRef Check Boxes for Notified, Confirmed, Reminded, Paid.
Version 5.28 release:
  1. Added images to buttons.
  2. Added Assigner 'Email To' Address.
  3. Corrected Logout when Enter key pressed.
Version 5.26b release:
  1. Added Team NickName.
  2. Updated Database.
  3. Enhanced/Altered Interface Menus.
Version 5.22c release:
  1. Added Bootstrap.
  2. Added MessageAvail to RefAddEdit Availability section.
  3. etc.
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